Milk Baths: What Are the Amazing Benefits?

milk bath amazing benefits
In this article we explore the amazing benefits of milk baths, how to take one and more importantly, how they work!

Celebrated by beauty gurus for centuries, the first ever record of a milk bath dates right back to the Roman era.

So why have milk baths stood the test of time?…

What are Milk Baths?

A milk bath is simply a bath that you add milk to, in liquid or powder form to help ease a number of skin conditions that cause irritation.

Milk contains something called lactic acid, which helps gently exfoliate the skin, leaving it with a much smoother texture and easing the symptoms of dry, rough skin.

So, Where Did Milk Baths Come From?

As we mentioned above, the first records of introducing milk into a bath dates back to the Roman Empress, Poppaea. Some historians, say that this Empress put bathing on the map after the death of Cleopatra – Fun fact for you!

What Are the Benefits of A Milk Bath?

Itchy skin

As far as scientific evidence goes, there isn’t much on the effectiveness of milk baths. However, the benefits have been passed down from generations for hundreds of years. So, that’s got to count for something, surely?

Despite a lack of scientific research, there are plenty of anecdotal evidence to show that they do help reduce, irritated, itchy, inflamed skin. Here’s how…

Milk Baths Help to Clear Dry Skin

Person with dry skin

Living with extreme dry skin can become as issue. As the skin dries out, other symptoms follow such as itching and irritation. Lying in milk can benefit the skin as it helps to restore lost moisture.

This is because milk contains five elements that our skin loves; proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and lactic acids.

Protein and fats help soften the skin, whilst vitamins and minerals help protect the skin and keep It safe from damage. The lactic acid acts as a gentle exfoliate and stimulates collagen.

Milk Baths Help Reduce Eczema

Eczema on arm

The main symptoms of Eczema are itchy, dry, rough, flakey, inflamed, and irritated skin. Similar to dry skin, there are benefits in milk that helps irritated skin. Once again, this hasn’t been scientifically proven to help Eczema but many people have sworn a milk bath dramatically helps the severity of their condition.

If you suffer bad with your Eczema we would recommend you mention this to your doctor, dermatologist, or pharmacy before trying a milk bath.

Milk Baths Can Help Ease Psoriasis

Psoriasis behind ear

Around 1.1 million people in the UK suffer with the itchy skin condition, Psoriasis, according to research conducted by the University of Manchester. So, if you’re one of these people, milk baths might hold the key to helping ease the irritable symptoms Psoriasis can produce.

The vitamins in the bath may help soothe the itchy, flaky and patchy skin commonly caused by Psoriasis.

Milk Baths Are Said to Soothe Sunburn


Sunburn can cause a nasty sting, as well as permanently damaging your skin – so make sure you are slapping the suntan lotion on. If it’s too late and you’re already badly burnt, we would recommend this remedy to take away the burn.

The fats, acids and proteins found in milk will help soothe sunburnt skin. Soak for around 20 minutes and follow up with an aloe vera moisturiser to nourish the skin.  

How Are Milk Baths Good For the Skin?

A bath of milky goodness is brilliant for your skin as it acts in three ways:

ExfoliatesReduces InflammationHydrates
Soft skin

A Milk Bath Exfoliates the skin by removing dead skin cells. This happens because of the alpha hydroxy acid/ lactic acid in the milk. Exfoliators work against the top layers of your skin to remove dead or dull cells and helps to improve the overall texture of the skin. Therefore, any dry areas of the skin should be helped by bathing in milk.

Inflammation of the skin can be treated with a milk bath. As we mentioned above, milk contains proteins and vitamins that help reduce inflammation. Once you have soaked in milk, it’s very important to lock moisture back into the skin once burnt. Using aloe vera is a great way to retain as much moisture as possible.

Milk benefits the skin with how well it can hydrate and replenish. Through vitamins, minerals and fats, milk will restore lost hydration

What Type of Milk Do You Use In A Milk Bath?

Pouring milk into bath

When it comes to choosing the type of milk, anything goes. Thanks to our ever-evolving alternatives, there are a variety of milk options to choose from.

Cow’s milk is commonly used in a milk bath. This is because it is the most accessible form of milk. It’s low-costing and full fat cow’s milk is the most nourishing for your skin.

You can also use milk in powder form or milk bath bombs. A natural soothing milk bath bomb can be found at places such as The Body Shop.

If you’re looking for vegan options, soy milk or oat-milk will work just as well.

Milk bath milk options:

Whole milkCoconut milkGoat’s milkSoy milkPowdered milkRice milk

How to Make a Milk Bath?

Now you know what milk to use and the amazing benefits, it’s time to learn how to run the ultimate, soothing milk bath.

Depending on the form of milk you have chosen here are best ways to make a milk-bath.

How To Make a Liquid Milk Bath?

Woman in milk bath

To make a milk bath at home:

Run warm water until the desired amount is reached.Pour 2 cups of your preferred milk.To create a wonderfully relaxing bath, add in the following – honey, essential oils, Epsom bath salts or sea salt.

Top Tip – avoid including any scented products or chemicals, such as bath soaps. To create the ultimate soothing bath experience, add rose petals – it sounds slightly extravagant but we promise you, you won’t regret it!

How To Make a Powdered Milk Bath?

Bath bomb

If you rather use powdered milk or milk bath bombs. Here’s how:

Start to fill your bath with warm water.Add two cups of milk powder or alternatively, plop in your milk bath bomb.Again, feel free to include honey, bath salts or essential oils.Calmly swish the bath water around to mix all the ingredients.Soak for 20 minutes and moisturise thoroughly.

Milk Baths for Babies

Baby in milk bath

We all know how important milk is for babies, especially breast milk. Giving your baby a milk bath has been a popular, gentle way to resolve any irritated skin issues your little one may be having, such as diaper rash, eczema, or even dry patches of skin.

Can Babies Have Milk Baths?

Yes, milk baths are a natural inflammatory for itchy or irritable skin conditions that babies commonly get. Add pumped breast milk (for best results) into some warm bath water until water looks cloudy. The milk is packed with soothing antibacterial properties that will relieve, nourish, and protect your baby from dry, itchy skin.

What Are The Benefits of Milk Baths For Babies?

baby rash

Breast milk baths have been used to treat babies with:

Dry SkinNappy RashEczemaCradle capBaby AcneSkin Feel Soft

There isn’t much scientific evidence to back up the effectiveness. However, Dr’s from around the world have claimed that patients have used this method to hydrate their child’s skin.

So, there we have it. Everything you need to know about this aesthetically pleasing, skin rejuvenating bath remedy.

Read more about bath health benefits here

The post Milk Baths: What Are the Amazing Benefits? written by Rikki Fothergill appeared first on Big Bathroom Shop.

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World Toilet Day 2021 – Valuing Toilets

The Toilet. It’s something we never give a second thought. But for 40% of the world’s population, which equivalates to a staggering 4.5 billion people, are without this basic luxury that we first world countries take for granted. Those who are aren’t lucky enough to have access to a toilet struggle to stay healthy, keep their children alive and work their way to a better future.

What is World Toilet Day?

World Toilet Day Official Logo

This year, we celebrate 20 years since World Toilet Day was founded in 2001. The day brings global attention to the sanitisation crisis, that In 2013, the United Nations General Assembly officially designated the 19th of November as World Toilet Day. the Sustainable Development Goals include a target to ensure everyone, everywhere has access to toilets by the year 2030, making sanitation a global development priority.

Over the years this dedicated day has garnered support from the international social community and highlighted how toilets play a crucial role in creating a strong economy, as well as improving health and protecting people’s safety and dignity.

World Toilet Day
Making a difference, together.

This year’s theme is about valuing toilets. The campaign draws attention to the fact that toilets – and the sanitation systems that support them – are underfunded, poorly managed or neglected in many parts of the world, with devastating consequences for health, economics and the environment, particularly in the poorest and most marginalized communities.

Why Is World Toilet Day So Important?

Third world 'Toilet' facilities
Third world toilet facilities
Poor toilet conditions

The toilet is far more important than we think and an essential tool, in order to live a healthier and cleaner lifestyle.

Here’s some shocking facts that drive home the privilege of having access to clean and safe toilet facilities.

297,000 children- that’s more than 800 everyday, tragically die every year from diarrhoeal disease due to poor sanitation, poor hygiene, or unsafe drinking water. These horrifying numbers are from WHO 2019 and are preventable.  Almost half of the schools in the world do not have handwashing facilities with soap and water. Studies have shown that clean and safe toilet facilities help to increase school attendance, especially in girls. Meaning, that poor toilet conditions are why many girls miss out on education.4.2 billion people lack safe sanitisation and globally, 2 billion people use a drinking water source contaminated with faeces. Resulting in disease and illness.Over the past 200 years, toilets have added twenty years to the human lifespan.

woman drinking water

What Can We Do To Help?

The best way to support World Toilet Day is by supporting locally driven organisations that are deeply rooted in their communities. is a vetted, high-impact non-profit organisation, working to provide greater access to toilets, clean water and improve sanitation.

Ways you can get involved with the movement according to :

1. Do a ‘Big Squat’ 

Hold a big squat and raise awareness of the more than 1 billion people who face the indignity of open defecation, which spreads diseases including cholera, typhoid, hepatitis and diarrhoea.

The idea is to stop, drop, squat and share! Get friends, colleagues, classmates, or family together, invite people in the local community and squat in a public place. Take photos or video, and remember to share them on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook or Twitter. Use the hashtags #bigsquat, #worldtoiletday and #opendefecation. 

world toilet day squat challenge

2. Share Far & Wide

Access to sanitation would make life safer and healthier for 1.25 billion women. Join the global movement for toilets and sanitation for all, and raise awareness by posting on Facebook, Instagram, or Tweeting this World Toilet Day.

Show that you care about toilets and sanitation and raise your voice to call for action. Use the following hashtags #wecantwait #worldtoiletday #opendefecation #sanitation 

spread awareness for world toilet day

3. Become a Toilet Advocate 

Clean and safe toilets are fundamental for health, dignity, privacy, equality and education.

You can try and contact your local representative, community leader or member of parliament and let them know you care about public toilets in your area.

Think about if your town needs new public toilets? Are the toilets safe and accessible, clean and well-maintained? Is there an appropriate ratio of toilets for men and women? Talk toilets with your local representative today. 

Make a stance for world toilet day

4. Toilet Selfie 

Did you know that more people own a mobile phone than have access to a toilet? want you to think about how lucky you are when you visit the toilet and want you to snap a #toiletselfie and share It on your social accounts – remember to keep it clean and make your message clear.

Let your friends know they’re lucky if they have access to a toilet and encourage them to join the sanitation movement.

World toilet day selfie

5. Invest in Toilets and Sanitation For All

One third of the world’s population still lacks access to adequate sanitation. Donate to support the work of the World Toilet Organization at and your donation will go towards advocacy and awareness, and to support capacity building and social enterprise sanitation projects in Cambodia, India, and Mozambique.

Donate to world toilet day org

6. Learn 

Did you know that toilets and sanitation are considered a human right? In 2010, the UN General Assembly recognised sanitation and water as a human right, essential to the full enjoyment of life and all other human rights. Visit World Toilet Organization’s website and the UN World Toilet Day website to learn about the sanitation crisis and how you can get involved. 

7. Tell The World What You’re Doing 

How will you commemorate UN World Toilet Day on 19 November? Join the call for action to end the sanitation crisis on UN World Toilet Day and share what you’re doing. Reply to @worldtoilet and @UN_Water on Twitter or email Some of the best activities will be featured on the World Toilet Day website and in World Toilet Organization’s social media.  

world toilet day activist

Join the global World Toilet Day conversation and show the world how much you care about toilets and the people of the world who don’t have access to toilet facilities

Get involved on social media using #WorldToiletDay.

The post World Toilet Day 2021 – Valuing Toilets written by Rikki Fothergill appeared first on Big Bathroom Shop.

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The Importance Of Cleaning Bathmats

>41% of Brits go two weeks or longer until cleaning their bathmat

Only 25% frequently clean this household item as recommended by experts

Brits Admit To Never Cleaning Their Bathmats

Hot baths are a luxury this time of year, but while you are enjoying a relaxing soak you could be forgetting about the not-so-luxurious bacteria build up on your bathmat.

We polled the nation on their cleaning habits and found that almost half of Brits neglect their bathmat, waiting up to two weeks or even longer until they clean it.

A further 13% clean their bathmat only a few times a year and 5% clean theirs only once.

Women in the UK are more likely to clean their bathmat, with 15% doing it twice a week compared to only 10% of men doing the same.

The Hidden Dangers In Your Bathmat

We spoke with home cleaning expert Belinda Everingham to highlight the hidden dangers in a bathroom and provide a simple cleaning guide for bathmats.

Bathmats are a breeding ground for nasty bacteria in the bathroom.

You should aim to clean it once a week at least, depending on how often it is used.

Clung to floors, mats have no way of circulating air or drying off and this will create moisture and result in a build-up of mildew and mould.

“Always remember to regularly clean frequently used bathroom items such as bathmats and towels, as well as highly touched surfaces. These are often the dirtiest places in bathrooms, where germs can be spread.

Belinda Everingham – Bondi wash

Step-By-Step Guide To Cleaner Bathmats

1 – Check The Care Tag

a hand holding a care label on a bathmat

Before any washing, check the care tag.

This will ensure that you treat and clean the mat correctly, depending on the guidance given for the materials used in the product.

2 – Shake It Off

Not only do mats soak up moisture and steam but they also gather dust, dirt and hair.

Shaking  the bathmat before washing is imperative to remove any unwanted debris and avoid clogging up washing machines later on.

If the mat has a rubber side to it, consider using a cloth on this area to pull away any other visible grime.

A vacuum can also be used for day-to-day maintenance- a quick once over will keep on top of your mats between deep cleans.

3 – Put It In The Washing Machine

Portrait of a man, view from the washing machine, loading and washing a dirty bathmat

When using the washing machine for this item, use a warm setting as opposed to hot.

This will be cool enough to prevent discolouration and hot enough to kill any bacteria.

Use your favourite smelling washing detergent and add in baking soda. Half a cup should be fine.

This will help to eradicate odours, brighten colours, and reduce bacteria.

Adding lavender can also help maintain freshness and aid in reducing mildew.

Never overload the washer. Wash one mat at a time and never with other fabrics such as towels, as there is a risk that bacteria could transfer from one material to another.

4 – Hang It Out To Dry

When hanging out a mat to dry, opt for an outside location if possible.

The breeze will prevent any matting together of the material so that it can dry completely before placing back in the bathroom.

If you are lucky enough for some winter sun, this will also help kill any remaining particles.

5 – Ongoing Bathmat Care

Choose an appropriate bathmat.

There are a range of styles and materials out there and some are easier to clean than others.

A regular cotton mat is one of the easiest to maintain.

Keep a few bathmats handy so that while one is washing and drying you have some replacements.

This will prompt you to clean them more often and reduce the risk of bacteria build up in your bathroom.

How Do You Keep Your Bathmat Clean?

Our research suggests that there are a plethora of ways that people clean their bathmats (or don’t), but what do you do to stave off bathroom bacteria?

If you have any tricks and tips on keeping a bathmat clean, let us know in the comments below.

The post The Importance Of Cleaning Bathmats written by Rikki Fothergill appeared first on Big Bathroom Shop.

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Everything You Need To Know About Smoked Glass Shower Enclosures


Smoked Glass Shower Enclosure

We are excited to unveil one of our latest products launches- smoked glass shower enclosures. If you’re looking for a brand-new enclosure that provides a minimalist monotone feel to your bathroom space, then sit back, relax, and get ready to discover this beautiful new shower trend.

Why Choose a Smoked Shower Enclosure?

Black/ smoked glass walk-in showers, also knows as tinted shower enclosures, are a beautiful way to add depth and industrial style to your bathroom space.

The smoked screens not only looks fabulous, it has also been crafted from robust 8mm premium glass for long lasting durability and the black tint provides a layer of privacy for busy family bathrooms (you know, the kind where you don’t get a minute’s peace.)

Unique, modern, and perfect for creating glamour at home, it’s here to add something a little different from the typical clear glass screens found in UK bathrooms.

So, take the plunge, go for something different, something bold!

8mm smoked glass
8mm Smoked Glass

Let’s find out more, Types of Smoked Shower Enclosures

Here at Big Bathroom Shop, we have two types of smoked glass enclosures: the Milano Portland- Luna and the Milano Nero- Luna.

Milano Nero Smoked Glass
Milano Portland Luna Smoked Glass

Both are available in a variety of modern and stylish designs, the only difference being the profile. The Nero smoked screen is part of our black collection and therefore has a dark profile for a seamless effect.

Whereas, the Milano Portland-Luna has been designed with a chrome profile for a stark contrast and extra sparkly from the chrome features.

Smoked Glass Recessed Walk-in / Wetroom Enclosure

Walk-in Smoked Glass
Walk-in Smoked Glass EnclosureShop Walk-In Smoked Glass Enclosures

One of the most popular places to install a shower into your bathroom is within a recessed wall. This is because an enclosure has already been created within 3 solid walls. This means all you need is a glass door and shower tray making it more cost effective.

The most common door options for a recessed space are a hinged, sliding, bi-fold or pivot and you can have the option between right or left entry, depending on your personal preference.

Corner Walk-in Smoked Glass Enclosure

Looking for an enclosure you can hide away in the corner or against a single wall? Then a corner enclosure just might be what you’re looking for.

Corner walk-in showers are the perfect option for anyone trying to save space in their bathroom or en-suite. As the name suggests, corner enclosures effortlessly fit into the corner of your room with doors designed to slide to either side; thus creating an easy access entry area to get in and out of the shower.

Corner smoked glass enclosure
Corner Smoked Enclosure Shop Corner Smoked Glass Enclosures

Floating Smoked Glass Walk-in Enclosure

Floating smoked glass enclosures are the ideal enclosure type if you are looking for a minimal look. As the same suggests, the enclosure appears to ‘float’ with entry on either side. Featuring a single glass panel and supporting arm for additional stability.

Floating effect enclosures are a beautiful touch to add to any minimal inspired bathroom space.

Floating Smoked Glass Shower Enclosure
Floating Smoked Glass Shower EnclosureShop Floating Smoked Glass Shower Enclosures

Smoked Glass Enclosure Size Options

When it comes to our shower enclosures and wet rooms, we like to offer a wide variety of sizes. That’s because we understand how small and difficult spaces bathrooms can be in UK homes.

If you’re looking to fill a large space our enclosures go up to 1700mm x 900mm and have a long-life guarantee of 10 years.

For those who are struggling to fit a smaller space, we have enclosures starting from as small as 1100mm x 700mm

From small to large and everything in between, discover your perfect size here.

Shower Tray Options

To enhance and maximise your smoked glass shower, we offer several finish options including, white, anthracite and light grey.

Too add an extra splash of luxury, we have slate effect options. The Milano Rassa slate effect is a beautiful way to add a soothing spa-like feel to your showering space.

Carefully crafted from material 50% lighter than standard stone. Which makes them a lot less likely to chop or crack!

Big Bathroom Shop shower trays come with a fast-flow waste to ensure your shower water drains away swiftly.

Alternatively, you can opt for an acrylic capped polymer resin tray. This type of tray is extremely lightweight yet brilliantly durable and a hardwearing surface to stand the test of time.

In our smoked glass enclosure collection, you can choose to build your ideal shower step by step.

Starting off with the style, then moving on to choose your size and tray size and finish. We have made this a simple and painless way to ensure you achieve your perfect enclosure in just a few clicks.

Anthracite Shower Tray

Grey Shower Tray

White Shower Tray

Smoked glass shower enclosures are a great choice for people looking for extra privacy and a unique flair. The tinted design creates an eye-catching shower experience like no other, providing luxury and privacy in one simultaneous seamless design.

This monochrome touch is one of the latest designs to hit bathroom interiors, and lucky for you, we have plenty of designs for you to choose and create your dream bathroom.

The post Everything You Need To Know About Smoked Glass Shower Enclosures written by Rikki Fothergill appeared first on Big Bathroom Shop.

10 Ideas To Build The Perfect Bathroom Style

A Bathroom style can be varied, it can consist of incredible and unique colors, it can boast amazing shapes and it can be impressing to behold, it can also be more uptight and restrained, intimate and small. We at Maison Valentina care about your bathroom design perception, about how you feel in an ambience and how you let yourself involve in the space you are in at the moment. To help you construct the perfect bathroom for you, we have gathered these intense ten looks that will blow you away!

Continue reading 10 Ideas To Build The Perfect Bathroom Style at Maison Valentina Blog.

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Lauren Coburn Top 10 Interior Design Projects

Lauren Coburn graduated from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in Interior Architecture in 2000. Immediately after graduating, Lauren started her professional career learning from the best, working at Tigerman McCurry Architects for 3 years, before deciding to open her own interior design firm.

See Also: Trendsetting American Interior Designers

Lauren Coburn Interior Design Firm

In 2004, Lauren Coburn decided to create her own firm, called the Lauren Coburn Architectural Interior Designer.

Continue reading Lauren Coburn Top 10 Interior Design Projects at Maison Valentina Blog.

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13 Shower Replacement Kit Problems You Can Avoid

Who wouldn’t LOVE to save money on a lower cost shower replacement kit? Unless you’ve got an Elon Musk or Bill Gates budget you need to watch what you spend. And when you’re looking to replace your shower stall or convert from a tub to a shower, and you start ‘letting your fingers do the […]

The post 13 Shower Replacement Kit Problems You Can Avoid appeared first on Innovate Building Solutions Blog – Home Remodeling, Design Ideas & Advice.

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Giving Thanks and Looking Forward

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, which means 2021 is quickly coming to a close. In looking back, we can all say the year has presented several challenges: the ongoing pandemic, prolonged supply chain issues and the volatile cost of materials, to name a few. We at SurePods have risen to meet these challenges, helping to mitigate market-wide delays, skilled labor shortages and complex jobsites to keep our customers’ projects moving forward. To push onward in the face of these continued and evolving challenges is no small feat, and we couldn’t have done it without our incredible team.

Whether in our original Orlando, FL, location or our new SurePods West facility in Phoenix, AZ, our skilled employees have been working together to solve the problems 2021 has presented head on. Both locations have helped ensure our prefabricated bathroom pods reach construction sites across the country as quickly as possible while maintaining the strict quality standards we’re known for. This means hours spent daily behind the scenes prefabricating bathrooms, verifying quality control and creatively accelerating shipping logistics to ensure the pods are delivered and installed right and right on time.

We are thankful for the hard work and innovation of our team that has made this all possible—from those on the design and fabrication side to the shipping team and project leads advocating for modular methods. Each person has played a critical role in the success of the prefab process. We are also thankful our team has been able to continue production safely in our controlled work environment; their wellbeing is the foundation of our company. And in a two-year stretch of unprecedented challenges, we are thankful we have been able to scale up production to meet new and exciting commercial opportunities on both sides of the country.

For example, without our collective team, we wouldn’t have been able to supply prefabricated bathroom pods to complex healthcare and multifamily projects like Atrium Health in North Carolina and Prism Apartments in Massachusetts. Our increased focus on the healthcare market has also allowed us to take on new challenges, like supplying our first nested pod design to Banner Health’s Gateway Medical Center in Arizona (also our first SurePods West project).

Finally, we certainly could not have done any of this without our customers. We thank all of you for being on the cutting edge of technology, for making construction faster, smarter and more sustainable!

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Novalé’s Trend Predictions for Sydney Bathroom Renovations in 2022

As we rapidly enter the new year, it’s time for Novalé’s collection of what we think will trend in 2022 bathroom renovations Sydney!

After a year of tremendous upheaval and spending more time than ever before inside our houses, many Australians are seeking new methods to improve their home living conditions. As a result, gone are the days where bathrooms were viewed as merely functional; bathrooms are now gaining sanctuary status among Australians.

Bathrooms have evolved into joyful atmospheres — a secure haven not only for fast showers helping us dash out the door in the morning – but a space where household members can recharge. Bathroom renovation consumers are more imaginative, and they want to envision their bathrooms as a day spa or even a boutique hideaway.

Therefore, bathroom renovations in Sydney have become high on the average homeowner’s to-do list. However, this process can be overwhelming, but as expert bathroom renovators, here are our eight predictions for the most popular bathroom renovation trends for 2022 to help inspire your upcoming bathroom renovation in Sydney.

Modern bathroom design ideas can transform a functional space into a stylish oasis of leisure. Just adding a few creative touches from this list can add individuality to any bathroom renovations Sydney!


Towel Racks with a Twist

Who doesn’t love a toasty warm towel? A heated towel rail not only offers this luxury, but it also helps keep your bathroom hygienic as dry towels keep germs and mould at bay.

Heated towel racks are still considered a functional necessity in any modern bathroom renovation Sydney but are now becoming an aesthetic highlight too!

For example, the vertical towel rail design is starting to emerge in Australian bathrooms! At first look, these vertical rails may appear to be nothing more than a conventional towel rack flipped on its axis, so how can they give any advantages over, say, a regular bathroom hook?

The benefit of vertical rails is that, while they do not have the physical spread of a standard towel rack, they are usually heated! They also conserve space, so if you don’t have enough wall space for the amount of towel rails you need, the vertical towel rail is an excellent alternative for a tighter space. Even in larger spaces, the vertical rail offers a more contemporary look.

Pro tip: to establish cohesion in your bathroom renovation Sydney, make sure your towel rail is the same colour as your tapware.



Organic Features

From bathroom lighting, wall mirrors, and bathroom fixtures, curves and circular forms will dominate architectural interiors and define the current bathroom design trends.

Without harsh architecture and straight angles, spheres and egg-shaped designs introduce the organic form into bathrooms and expand the possibilities for bathroom renovations Sydney in 2022.

As the ultimate symbol of self-care in the bathroom, free-standing bathtubs will also adapt the organic shapes!


Wet Rooms and Large Showers

According to reputable bathroom renovators, shower areas are becoming larger, making bathrooms appear larger and more elegant. A walk-in shower gives a unified flow across a large bathroom, and the best part is that they are easier to clean because there are no doors and wide glass panels. Removing the shower curtain also makes extra space in your bathroom appear less crowded and more open.

We’re also seeing more “wet rooms” in 2022, where the bath and shower are combined into one enormous, tiled area. The wet room in this Five Dock Bathroom Renovation introduces a sense of luxury to the rather urban look. A showstopper on its own, the wet area is also complemented by an almost full-length niche…WOW!



Penny Round Tiles

Penny round tiles – also known as mosaic tiles – is a collection of porcelain glazed or glass mosaic tiles that come in various colours and gloss or matte finishes. Porcelain penny round mosaic tiles offers not only exceptional visual appeal but also an excellent medium for slippery surfaces or heavy foot traffic areas.

Great for floors, walls and features, penny round tiles add gorgeous texture and a whole new depth to any space. As they vary in colour, they often look as though they were handmade. In this instance, perfect for the rawness of a boho mood.

Hot tip: create an ultra-bold and striking look with contrasting grout, framing the coloured mosaic tiles. There are no restrictions on how you may utilise mosaic feature tiles in your bathroom with skilled bathroom renovators, so evaluate what works best for your bathroom renovation design and personality!



Wall Sconces

While few wall sconces are bright enough to provide overall ambient light in a room alone, installing multiple sconces around the room or having one as a focal point can be a beautiful and dramatic bathroom renovation Sydney feature. While two sconces placed on either side of a vanity offer asymmetrical balance, statement wall scones above the vanity mirror not only makes a dramatic focal point but also evenly light the face and mirror, removing shadows.


Glass Basins

Not as fragile as they sound, glass basins are easy to clean. You only need a soft cloth and some warm water to wash away soap scum, toothpaste marks, and other stains that accumulate in the bathroom over time. Glass basins are available in various shapes, sizes, and finishes – from boxy squares, rectangles with flared edges, nature-inspired shapes, and even creative, swooping sculptures.



Warm Tones Over Cool Tones

Sydney bathroom renovations in 2022 will be decorated with warm earthy tones such as terracotta, green, and slate. These hues are well-known for generating a calm, peaceful, and pleasant atmosphere. Instead of using brightly coloured tiles or strong furnishings, try incorporating textures or accents of these colour palettes into your stylings, such as rugs or towels.

Wood tones will also be present as they do a terrific job of warming up a space and transforming it from stark white to something with some life in it. These muted hues and tones will be hugely popular for bathroom renovations Sydney 2022 creates magnificent nature-inspired designs.


Green and Gold Pairings

Green is the calming colour of rejuvenation, so it’s an excellent choice for bathroom renovations Sydney. Pair green with the warm tons of gold, and you have an enchanting and vibrant space. Brushed gold tapware and accessories are a lovely way to introduce warmth to a space, lending itself to a natural or modern mood.

Using the warm tones of gold and green is a luxurious addition that will add a touch of glamour and make any bathroom pop. Vivid colours are a great way to let your personality shine in your bathroom space. Something as simple as a coloured tile on a feature wall or bold coloured towels or accessories are enough to keep the balance right and not overwhelm the rest of the space just like in this Bateau Bay Bathroom Renovation.



Begin Your Bathroom Renovations with Novalé

So, which of the 2022 bathroom trends has piqued your interest the most? Whether your bathroom renovation Sydney is small or large, Novale bathroom renovators can help as much or as little as you need, delivering outstanding workmanship and high-quality fixtures to suit your needs and budget.

We think that your bathroom is your personal refuge and can assist you in finding the precise design direction and bathroom makeover ideas you need.

Whether you are looking for Bathroom Renovations Coogee or Bathroom Renovations Newcastle, Novalé’s highly experienced teams are available to help you produce a beautiful and highly functional modern bathroom design in Sydney.

When beginning research on bathroom renovators for your modern bathroom design and renovation project, consider including Novalé Bathrooms in your shortlist. We offer bathroom renovations from Bathroom Renovations Newcastle to Bathroom Renovations Coogee. For a complete list of the Areas We Service, see here.

Our teams of bathroom renovators are ready to start building you a fantastic modern bathroom design. We implement a unique 4 step bathroom renovation process, and we encourage potential customers to read the 12 reasons to choose Novalé. Additionally, you can read our testimonials and reviews to learn about the experience others have had to renovate with Novalé. For more information on how we transform your bathroom, please get in contact with the Novalé team on 1800 NOVALÉ.

The post Novalé’s Trend Predictions for Sydney Bathroom Renovations in 2022 appeared first on #1 Bathroom Renovations Sydney & Central Coast | Novalé Bathrooms.

Gunni And Trentino Contemporary Designs

Gunni And Trentino is a luxury furniture store with more than 50 years of experience in interior design and decoration of the highest level. Gunni & Trentino is a Spanish company specialized in high decoration as a supplier of furniture for interior design projects.

See also: CHZON Exceptional Bathroom Design in Hospitality Projects

Gunni And Trentino Interiors

The company is well-known in the field of decoration and design.

Continue reading Gunni And Trentino Contemporary Designs at Maison Valentina Blog.